Scythe by Neal Shusterman ~ Book Review!!!

Scythe is a futuristic fantasy story. It takes place at a time where humanity has cured disease and death and therefore are essentially immortal, so there are Scythes who are chosen to glean a certain small percentage of the population. It is done to mimic the normal death cycles from when people were mortal. TeensContinue reading “Scythe by Neal Shusterman ~ Book Review!!!”

Red Rising by Pierce Brown ~ Book Review!!!

“Red Rising” is the first book of dystopian series (I think 5 novels now) that takes place on the colonized Mars. It’s a whirl wind of intensity right from the start! I can’t wait to share this review with you. I will try not to do spoilers! I am always looking for a good dystopianContinue reading “Red Rising by Pierce Brown ~ Book Review!!!”

Landscape With Invisible Hand by M.T Anderson ~ Book Review

M.T. Anderson’s newest book is really a thinker. I love his writing style and the parallels that he draws to the real world. This story is told through the imagery of Adam’s art with each chapter exploring the setting for his art pieces and what is going on in his life. In this story AlienContinue reading “Landscape With Invisible Hand by M.T Anderson ~ Book Review”

Weird Ways to Discover Books

Sometimes I look at the books on my shelf or my TBR list and I can’t help but laugh at the way some of them got added. Admittedly, most of them I just judged the book by it’s cover and wanted to read it or heard there was a movie and wanted to read theContinue reading “Weird Ways to Discover Books”

Squared’s Scrolls – Book Hang Overs

Once in a while I come across a book or series that brings me in so deeply that I have a “book hang over” after finishing the series. Nothing sounds good to read after finishing that and I can’t get the world out of my mind. Here’s a list of those series that I tookContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Book Hang Overs”

Squared’s Scrolls – Abandoned

Here’s something that’s hard for myself to admit as a bibliophile … I sometimes don’t finish books! There I said it. There are some books that I just couldn’t continue, not very many, but there have been some that I just couldn’t. Some I ran out of mental capacity or time, others I flat outContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Abandoned”

Squared’s Scrolls – Government Banned Books

I’ve always been interested in banned books, it’s absurd to me that a school or people would want to ban books being read for one reason or another. The first time I heard of banned books I was 9 years old and Harry Potter just came out… my school district didn’t have any banned books,Continue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Government Banned Books”

Squared’s Scrolls – The Rereadables

I will admit very quickly that I have a horrible time rereading a book. The images in my head of the story, and especially the ending, are very vivid and burned into my mind. Usually when I pick up a book that I loved I have a hard time starting it again because within aContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – The Rereadables”