Favorites by Genre (update)

Nearly two years ago I wrote my first non-review blog post, and it was a list of genres and my favorite books corresponding to them. Poorly formatted, bland, and outdated I wanted to do an update to that list and add some new categories as well. I want to keep growing my blog and ifContinue reading “Favorites by Genre (update)”

Squared’s Scrolls – First Time Again

We all have those favorite books, the ones that blow us away time and time again. But sometimes a favorite book is just so magical, so fantastic, so encompassing that it sticks with you to the point that no matter how hard you try it just doesn’t feel the same when reread. You want thatContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – First Time Again”

Squared’s Scrolls – Animal Amazingness

I love animals, who doesn’t? There’s a million books out there for babies and toddlers that feature the soft and cuddly or even wild and scaly creatures… but somewhere along the way, as we age, less and less animals work their way into our literature. I find this incredibly sad. When a story is aboutContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Animal Amazingness”

Squared’s Scrolls – Male Protagonists in YA Dystopia

I read a lot, and have read a lot of YA over the years, specifically a lot of post-apocalyptic/dystopian YA. One thing that has started to stand out glaringly to me is the lack of male protagonists in dystopia. WHY? Almost all protagonists in the dystopian world are girls. I get it, we need toContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Male Protagonists in YA Dystopia”

Squared’s Scrolls – Irresistible Book Covers

I know I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but sometimes they’re just too beautiful. A beautiful and unique book cover makes me want to jump and read/buy it right away! It usually works out well for me too so I won’t be stopping anytime soon… not really even sure if I can stopContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Irresistible Book Covers”

Squared’s Scrolls – Memorable Memoirs

I want to start reading more non-fiction, especially in the realm of good memoirs. I have only read a few, but I really did love them and so I think I’d like to find more memoirs to read. Squared’s Scrolls – Memorable Memoirs A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer – Probably one of theContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Memorable Memoirs”

Squared’s Scrolls – Super Singles

I realized the other day that I read a LOT of series, and most of my favorites are also series. I like a large world, with many characters, and many experiences. However, I also recognize that sometimes a stand-alone book can be just as captivating and engrossing! Sometimes one is all the author wants/plans toContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Super Singles”

Squared’s Scrolls – Fantastic Fairy Tales

I love a good fairy tale. From Hans Christian Andersen to Madam De Villeneuve I have always enjoyed these types of stories. Sometimes there’s a wonderful retelling of an old classic that, while not rewriting it completely, puts a great new twist to the original! Once in a while I even like the retelling betterContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Fantastic Fairy Tales”