Get to Know the Book Blogger – Squared

It’s 2020! It’s hard to believe the last couple years here have gone by so fast, and here we are starting another year with more books to be read, more reviews to be done, and more blog posts to be planned!!! For my first non-review post of the year I want to do a “meetContinue reading “Get to Know the Book Blogger – Squared”

Something Different

I feel like I have been in a reading slump for a few months at least. I’ve only read one book this year from start to finish, and it was given to me for review. All the other books I’ve finished I started last year. I start a book, put it down, pick up anotherContinue reading “Something Different”

Rereading Book Goals

I am terrible at predicting and planning a “what I will read” list. More often than not when I have something in mind to finish I do not get to it by the deadline unless I’m doing it for an author as a review and someone else has set the deadline for me. I know,Continue reading “Rereading Book Goals”

Squared’s Scrolls – Dystopian Dynasty

My favorite genre to read has been dystopian and post-apocalyptic since before I even knew what those words meant! Back in 4th grade I read The Giver by Lois Lowry and my world was turned upside down, it shocked me and made me think like no other book I’d read at that point had. Simply,Continue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Dystopian Dynasty”

Squared’s Scrolls – Underrated Reading (Series)

As I’ve gotten older I no longer jump to read the books that are most popular or just coming out (unless it’s part of a series that I’m waiting on), I tend to read whatever looks good or sounds good.. no matter how old it is. Here is a list of books that I don’tContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Underrated Reading (Series)”

Squared’s Scrolls – Childhood Favorites

I’ve been reading as long as I can remember, I remember my mom reading to me and my Great Grandpa reading all his Sesame Street books with me. The term “Children’s books” seems to be a bit vague and varies in definition as far as age limit and reading level. This list will be booksContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Childhood Favorites”

Squared’s Scrolls – Book Quotes

I have this image in my head that I wish I could create, but I know I will never be able to achieve the creativity level needed to make it look the way I want (I’ve tried… for years in multiple formats). In this image there’s a layer of open books at the bottom andContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Book Quotes”

Squared’s Scrolls – Cherished Authors

There’s some authors over the years that I just can’t help but want to read everything they do. Most of them never disappoint and I’m still indulging in their new work! Here they are: Squared’s Scrolls – Cherished Authors Ally Condie – I love her writing style and the worlds she creates! I’m never disappointedContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Cherished Authors”