Squared’s Scrolls – Book Quotes

I have this image in my head that I wish I could create, but I know I will never be able to achieve the creativity level needed to make it look the way I want (I’ve tried… for years in multiple formats). In this image there’s a layer of open books at the bottom andContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Book Quotes”

Squared’s Scrolls – Book Hang Overs

Once in a while I come across a book or series that brings me in so deeply that I have a “book hang over” after finishing the series. Nothing sounds good to read after finishing that and I can’t get the world out of my mind. Here’s a list of those series that I tookContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Book Hang Overs”

Squared’s Scrolls – Just One Word

There was a phase in my life where I almost solely read books with one word titles. I’ve moved past that, obviously, but it was an interesting time and I swore that all the “best” books at the time had one word titles. Today’s Scrolls is about the 10 best and most unforgettable one wordContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Just One Word”

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes ~ Book review!

This story was not what I expected, but I want to write this down while it’s fresh in my mind 😉 From the first page of this story I imagined it being sad and heartbreaking. I definitely wouldn’t call it that now that ive finished the book. It’s more of a self discovery story, butContinue reading “Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes ~ Book review!”