Squared’s Scrolls – Book Quotes

I have this image in my head that I wish I could create, but I know I will never be able to achieve the creativity level needed to make it look the way I want (I’ve tried… for years in multiple formats). In this image there’s a layer of open books at the bottom andContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – Book Quotes”

Blog Rant – Book Covers

One of my biggest book peeves is when a book is released with a movie cover. I have gone out of my way, avoiding purchasing a book for ages, to avoid buying one with a movie cover. I really wish the trend would stop completely. I know tons of books are guilty of it fromContinue reading “Blog Rant – Book Covers”

Landscape With Invisible Hand by M.T Anderson ~ Book Review

M.T. Anderson’s newest book is really a thinker. I love his writing style and the parallels that he draws to the real world. This story is told through the imagery of Adam’s art with each chapter exploring the setting for his art pieces and what is going on in his life. In this story AlienContinue reading “Landscape With Invisible Hand by M.T Anderson ~ Book Review”