Thoughts – Plagiarism & Publishing

The other day I read a post on tumblr from one of my newly found and respected authors. She had lived through every writer’s nightmare of having a piece of her work plagiarized!! She has since published other stories (I’m currently reading an ARC from her) but has recently decided she’d like to try re-exposingContinue reading “Thoughts – Plagiarism & Publishing”

Squared’s Scrolls – The Best of the Bad Guys

You know those stories where by the end of the story the “bad guys” have just as much an impact on you as the “good guys” did? The purely evil or even just regular antagonistic characters that really stuck with you… I know that’s quite a range of “bad guy” scale but stick with meContinue reading “Squared’s Scrolls – The Best of the Bad Guys”

Landscape With Invisible Hand by M.T Anderson ~ Book Review

M.T. Anderson’s newest book is really a thinker. I love his writing style and the parallels that he draws to the real world. This story is told through the imagery of Adam’s art with each chapter exploring the setting for his art pieces and what is going on in his life. In this story AlienContinue reading “Landscape With Invisible Hand by M.T Anderson ~ Book Review”

Weird Ways to Discover Books

Sometimes I look at the books on my shelf or my TBR list and I can’t help but laugh at the way some of them got added. Admittedly, most of them I just judged the book by it’s cover and wanted to read it or heard there was a movie and wanted to read theContinue reading “Weird Ways to Discover Books”